Granting and Revoking Content Access
As a creator, you have the ability to grant or revoke access products for each of your students, as well as grant roles to students to make certain courses visible to them.
You can revoke access to products purchased by your students, and you can grant free access to products that would otherwise require payment.
To grant or revoke access to content, click "edit" next to a student's name in your admin student list, or click "Edit Student Details" on the right side of a student's profile, then navigate to the "Content Access" tab:
The left side of the content access page displays all of the courses that are currently visible to the student (courses inside a role the student doesn't have will be hidden to the student). This column also shows a student's progress through each of the courses they have access to, and which courses are paid and purchased, or haven't been purchased by the student yet. If a course says "not purchased" on the left side column, then you will need to grant access to that course, or the student will have to purchase it in order to access its lessons.
Additionally, if you have set launch dates or limited days of access to your content, you can see when this specific student's access starts and ends underneath each course or product. Underneath the completion percentage for each course, you can also see how many days a student has been enrolled in the course. This is helpful to help you understand how far along a student might be in a lesson drip release schedule, if you are using the lesson drip release day feature.
Granting course access is intended for paid courses. Courses that do not require "paid enrollment" are available to all students free with their enrollment by default. Students will have access to these courses even if you do not explicitly grant them access. If you are an Academy Plan customer using a role for your course, it will not be visible to the student even though you have granted them access, unless that student is also a member of that role. If you accepted payment manually outside of Heights, this feature provides a simple way to grant your students access to a product or course in your program.
Granting Bundles
Granting a bundle to a student will automatically grant all of the contents inside the bundle (courses, digital products, projects, and messageboards). If you wish to later revoke a specific course or product from the student you can do so, and the student will still maintain access to the rest of the bundle. Revoking access to the bundle itself will revoke access to all of the bundle's contents.
Keep in mind this could create situations where a student would lose access to a course or product that they had initially purchased outside of the bundle (ie: if a student purchases an individual course or product included in a bundle, and then later decides to purchase the full bundle).
Granting Hidden Courses or Digital Products
Granting hidden content to a student will make it immediately visible to them, in the same way that purchasing hidden courses or digital products does.