Account Settings

You can find a button linking to your Account Settings at the bottom of the left sidebar in your Creator Dashboard. The Account Settings area will allow you to adjust platform-wide feature availability and appearance for your students. 

Here is everything you can do in your Account Settings:

Change your Program Name

On the account settings page, click on " Edit Account Settings" and under "Program Name" type the new name you've chosen for your program (see picture below). The name you select will appear on your platform on the logo space - if you do not upload a logo - and in any relevant student communication.

Remember to scroll down the page and click on " Update Account Settings" in order to save your changes.

Set up a Custom Domain

On the account settings page, click on " Edit Account Settings" and under "Custom Domain" type in your new domain name.

Learn how to set up a custom domain for your Heights program in more detail. Remember to scroll down the page and click on "Update Account Settings" in order to save your changes.

Change your Program Logo and Favicon

On the account settings page, click on " Edit Account Settings" and under "Program Logo" select "Choose Logo File" and upload the logo picture from your device. We recommend you upload an image in PNG format with these measurements: 232px x 92px. Your logo will be displayed around your program and in any student's communication.

A favicon is a small 16x16 icon file that is displayed next to the URL of your site in a browser's address bar. It is often displayed next to the name of your site in a user's list of open tabs and bookmark listings making it easier for the user to quickly identify your platform amongst other sites.

On the account settings page, click on " Edit Account Settings" and under "Website Favicon" select "Choose Favicon File" and upload the favicon picture from your device. We recommend you upload a square image in PNG format of at least 192px x 192px. We will then automatically resize it in different measurements to make it fit perfectly everywhere it is displayed.

Remember to scroll down the page and click on " Update Account Settings" in order to save your changes.

Enable Forum, Points, Badges, and Other Settings

On the account settings page, click on " Edit Account Settings" and scroll down. You will see a list of questions to check and uncheck. 

Here you can do the following:

Enable Forum?: uncheck this section to remove the discussion are from the top navigation. If unchecked, your students will not have access to the forum.

Enable Points?: Check this section to award points to your students after they complete each lesson. You can set the number of points in each lesson editor. If unchecked, your students won't receive any points.

Enable Badges?: Check this section if you wish to allow badges. When badges are disabled students will not receive any of the built-in system badges, and will not see badges on student profiles. You will still be able to grant custom badges to your student with this option disabled, but the badges will only to the student appear one time when earned, and will not be visible on their profile if this setting is disabled.

Enable Member List Page?: Check this section if you wish to make the students' list available. If unchecked, your students will not be able to see the member list. If you do not want your students to see personal details and names of other members of your program, uncheck this. You will still be able to see all students as the creator by visiting the Student List from your Creator Dashboard.

Enable Social Links?: Check this section if you wish to showcase links to social media accounts.

Allow Students to Delete their Account?: Uncheck if you wish to provide an alternate deletion process. If you have student data in a variety of other tools, you may wish to have your students request you to delete their accounts instead of allowing them to do it on their own. This way you can ensure you have removed their data from other systems as well.

Set Landing Page as Home Page?: If unchecked, new visitors will arrive at your login page. Check if you want new visitors to arrive at your landing page rather than your login page.

Enable Program Enrollment?: Allow new students to enroll in your program. Uncheck if you wish to stop accepting new students. See more details in the next paragraph.

Copy your API Key

An API key or application programming interface key is a code that gets passed in by computer applications. On Heights Platform, you can use the API Key to connect with Zapier and link your platform with external applications.

Learn all about Zapier and connecting your platform with the API Key.

Other actions you can do through the Account Settings:

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