Payment Guide: Individual Courses/Products
Do you sell a number of courses and digital products, and want your students to be able to purchase any product they want individually? Do you offer free courses in addition to that? If so, this guide explains how to set up each of your individual courses and digital products for sale.
Does your program meet the following criteria?
- You want to sell all of your courses and digital products individually.
- You want to offer free courses in addition to paid courses/content.
- You want your customers to be able to purchase any of your courses as a starting point in enrolling to your program.
- You don't want to sell content with subscription or installment payment plans.
If this doesn't sound like what you are looking for, see the rest of our Payment Guide on Selling Content Bundles, and Selling Paid Membership. It is possible to sell individual courses and products in combination with either Bundle payment plans or paid membership enrollment.
First, if your account was created before 2023, you'll want to make sure your enrollment is set to "free" in the "Program Pricing" tab of your payment settings. This will allow students to signup and browse what you have for purchase, as well as allow them to engage in any free courses you have available (The alternate option to charge for enrollment is used to create a paid membership for all of your content.)
So make sure that under the Program Pricing page, your settings are set to the first option " Sell individual products, content bundles, and offer free content", as shown below:
Next, you will want to go to each course that is not included for free with your enrollment and configure a price for it (select "Paid Enrollment"). You can do this from the right side of your course edit page:
Students can either register for your program and then purchase a course, or they can purchase a course directly from your course landing page when you check "allow purchase from landing page" as an option on your course (shown in the screenshot above).
Public landing checkout page for an individually sold course
Similar to courses, you can optionally enable a landing page for your digital products if you want customers to be able to purchase them without first logging into your program. Learn more about Digital Products.
Hidden Courses and Hidden Products
If you check off "hidden course" or "hidden product", the product will not be visible on the sidebar or course list when a student is signed into your program unless the student has purchased or was granted it. If you enable landing page checkout, the course/product can be purchased by those who know the landing page URL. Alternatively, if the product or course is part of a bundle, it can be purchased through the bundle as well.
Limitations of Selling Content Individually Versus Other Payment Settings:
- No ability to restrict a message board and/or project to a particular course you are selling (You'll want to create a bundle for this).
- No ability to charge via a subscription or installment pricing plan. (You'll want to either create a bundle if you want to sell a subscription package for a course alongside your other content, or if you plan to only have a single collection of content sold as a membership site, then you'll want to set up Paid Membership).
NOTE: Free courses or courses included with enrollment are not "granted" to a student. Meaning that if you later change an individual course that was free to be "sold separately", then your existing students will no longer have access to this course. We recommend that you first grant this course to your students if you want them to continue to be able to access it after selling it separately to future students. See Granting and Revoking Content Access.