Unsubscribing Student Emails
Students in your program may receive a variety of emails from you. There are 3 types of email communication:
1. Transactional Emails - These include emails like payment receipts, subscription cancelation, enrollment welcome, and reset password emails. Many of these transactional emails can be edited from the Email Templates section of your creator dashboard. Transactional emails cannot be disabled and students cannot unsubscribe from these emails as they contain necessary communications about the student's account.
2. Marketing Emails - This includes Email Campaigns, Event Emails, and Lesson Release Emails. Students may unsubscribe from these types of emails by setting their email preference to "Disable Marketing Emails"
3. Community Emails - This includes notifications about community posts a student was @ mentioned in, community posts a student chose to follow for updates, and @everyone mentions in the community. Students can adjust their preferences for specific community channels, or global notification settings from within the community by clicking "Notification Settings" in the left sidebar, or by going to the "Notification Settings" link on their "Edit Profile" form.
If a student requests that you unsubscribe them, it is usually best that you do this for them rather than forcing them to log back in and locate these settings. As a creator, you are able to manage a student's email preferences by clicking "Edit" next to a student's name in your student list, and adjusting their email notification preferences at the bottom right of the edit user form.
Screenshot of a creator's view of the edit user page for adjusting a student's details and email preferences:
Screenshot of Student's Edit Profile Page (accessible from top right dropdown menu):
You must not resubscribe a student if they previously unsubscribed and have not given you permission to resubscribe them. Heights Platform takes spam very seriously, and any account found to be sending spam emails may be suspended or terminated without warning.