Invoices & Receipts

From your Creator Dashboard, under the "Revenue Earned" column you can find a link to View Invoices. Here you can see the payments you've collected in order and filter them by student, amount, date, and paid status by clicking on the table column headers.

When a charge to your student's payment card is successful any system-generated invoice will be marked as paid and a copy of the receipt will be automatically emailed to your student. These receipts get sent after every successful payment. This means customers on your installment payment plan will receive a receipt after each installment is paid, and subscription customers will receive a receipt after each period (monthly/yearly).

You can view an individual invoice in detail by clicking the "View Invoice" button in the far right column. Should your student ever need an additional copy of their receipt, you will find a button at the top of the invoice detail view that will send out an email to your student with a copy of the receipt when clicked. If the student paid via Stripe, then next to the manual email receipt button there will be another button: "View Stripe Receipt". This is the official receipt generated from Stripe. You could optionally copy the url of this receipt and email it to your student as well.

Invoice detail page with link to send email receipt to student.

Should you ever need to look into a billing issue in greater detail, remember that your Stripe account is the most complete source of your student billing information and will allow you to create additional charges towards a student's payment card or process refunds. The Payment Settings section above further describes how you can manage billing for your students.

Incomplete Invoices and Orders

There are multiple situations where you could end up with Invoices that are not marked paid. Below are descriptions for various statuses that you may see at the top of your invoices:

  • If a payment failed after being attempted you will see: "Payment Failed"
  • If a customer selected to checkout with PayPal, but didn't continue with checkout, you will see: "Pending order created. Checkout incomplete."
  • If a customer continued through checkout with PayPal, but wasn't able to successfully pay, you will see: "PayPal checkout started. Order incomplete."

If the status of your invoice is anything other than "PAID", your customer can safely retry their payment without worry of being charged twice. You may wish to follow up with your customer when you see unpaid invoices to help them complete their payment (See the Students help section about how to manage students that haven't completed enrollment).

You can investigate certain details of failed transactions in your Stripe account for more information.

NOTE: Additional one off charges that you might decide to create inside your Stripe or PayPal account are not currently reflected in the invoices you see in Heights Platform. The invoices and revenue shown in Heights Platform is the revenue that was generated directly from a student paying through your built-in enrollment payment page.

Customizing Invoice Receipt Emails

The invoice receipt email notification template HTML can be edited if you'd like to adjust the appearance or information shown on invoice receipts that are sent to your students via Heights. See our article on customizing email notification templates for more details. 

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