Individual Course/Product/Bundle Landing Pages

Each course, digital product, and bundle inside your program has the option to enable a public landing page. This option allows public visitors to your site to see the content and description of the course/product, without having to first create an account in your program. 

Learn more about Selling Individual Courses/Products and using landing pages to allow the purchase of Hidden Courses/Products

Internal course page

Where to view and find the URL for your course/product landing page

Find the option to enable a landing page on the right side when editing a course/product:

What your public landing page looks like

As seen below, the Product List tab on your Payment Settings page can be helpful for you see at a glance which of your courses, digital products, or bundles currently have a landing page enabled. You can even click to copy the landing page or checkout page URL to your clipboard for easier sharing in your marketing materials. 

This video explains more about how to best use the landing page features in Heights Platform

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