Pay What You Want

Heights Platform allows you to choose "pay-what-you-want" pricing for products inside a bundle. 

With this pricing model, you let students choose how much to pay for a product you are selling. This can be useful for a specific marketing campaign or if you want to start accepting donations from students. 

This pricing plan can be combined with one-time, installment, or subscription payment plans, and pay-what-you-want pricing has its own "days of access" setting so that you can optionally expire access to students at a different time than students who didn't use the pay what you want pricing (For example: pay what you want to access for one week or pay a one-time payment of $299 to get lifetime access). 

How to charge a pay-what-you-want fee to a product

Choose the product/s you want to apply this pricing model to and add them into a bundle.

A bundle in Heights Platform is a collection of products to which you can apply different pricing models. However, a bundle can also include only one product. If you are only placing one product inside your bundle, students won't see the wording "bundle" at all, and your bundle will simply act as an alternate pricing plan.

Once you have created your bundle, head over to its setting and scroll down until you reach the payment settings.

Select "Pay What You Want":

When you select "Pay what you want" you can set a duration limit (how long students will be able to access the product). You can set your desired amount of days, or if you wish to grant unlimited access, simply leave the section blank. 
For example, to grant the bundle for one year, type 365 in the "days" section.
The days' limitation only applies to students who purchase your bundle through the "pay what you want" option. If you allow multiple payment options (such as a flat fee, subscription or installment plan), students who choose the other options will be granted access according to your setting (unlimited by default). If you want to limit the access duration in general, see this article:
Here you can also set a minimum amount that students will have to pay. If you do not want to add a limit, type 0 in the "Minimum $" section, and students will also be able to get your product for free. 

The picture below shows what a student checkout looks like after selecting both a one-time fee and the pay-what-you-want pricing with time limit.

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