Student Affiliate Program from your Student's Point of View

Your students will have access to their referral settings only if you enable your affiliate program, or if you approve them as affiliates with your affiliate program set to "Invite-Only". 

Learn how to set up your affiliate program in details here: Student Affiliate Program

Once you enable the affiliate program, your students may access it by clicking on the menu icon located on the top right side of the screen and selecting "Refer Friends."

From here, they will be able to access their special affiliate link, a graph showing data on their referrals and commissions earned. The screenshot below shows an example of what your students see on their Refer Friends page:

Affiliate Checklist

On their "Refer Friends" page, your student can also access their affiliate checklist. 

This checklist guides students through the process to get approved by you to receive payouts. This includes entering a PayPal email address, reviewing your affiliate agreement, and being accepted as affiliates.

Once they complete Step 1 (submitting their PayPal address), you will be able to approve the student as an affiliate.

Before they receive your approval, Step 3 of the checklist will show a red "pending approval" sign at the end. Once you approve them, the sign will turn green and read "approved".

If you have set your affiliate program to "invite-only" in your account settings, then a student must be pre-approved by you before they will be able to access their refer friends page.

Affiliate Links

Under the Affiliate Checklist, your students will be able to access their unique affiliate links. If you have multiple courses or bundles in your Heights program, your students will be able to choose between different links for each product they wish to promote.

The links that appear here are related to any courses, digital products, or bundles that are:

  1. Published
  2. Not hidden
  3. Have a public landing page enabled

If the product does not meet all of these criteria, it will not be shown in this section. 

This is done so that the student affiliate doesn't see links to unpublished courses, courses without a public landing page to refer to, or hidden courses that as the creator, you might not want to promote to a wider audience. If you have a hidden course that you would like to allow affiliates to promote, they may still do so. Adding "?ref=" followed by the student's affiliate code on the end of your hidden course landing page URL will allow a student to promote it the same way they would other courses and products you offer. 

External Affiliates

Your students are not the only ones who can promote your online course through the Heights affiliate program.

If someone who is not enrolled in your online course wishes to become an affiliate, they can simply join your program and create an account without purchasing your online course.

This way they will not have access to your content, but they will see their "Refer Friends" page and access their special affiliate link.

From your side, they will appear as any other student affiliate, so that you can easily monitor their performance, see their commissions and generate payouts.

Possible Questions from your Students

  • Cannot see or access the Refer Friends Page?: your students won't see their "Refer Friends" page in the main menu if you do not Enable your affiliate program. If you selected Invite-Only in the Affiliate Settings, you will need to approve students as affiliates in order for them to access the Refer Friends page.
  • How do you track commissions? The Heights Platform Student Affiliate Program uses cookies that can track a referral source for up to 90 days after someone clicks on the affiliate link. This means that if someone clicks on the affiliate link and does not purchase, instead closes the page and goes back to it (through a normal, non-affiliate link) and purchases your course in a time span of 90 days, the commission from the sale will still be attributed to that affiliate, even if it did not come from the affiliate link directly.
  • How to get paid? Our built-in student affiliate program allows your students to submit their PayPal email addresses. As the creator, you will have to take care of the actual payment on your own, as Heights does not support third-party transactions. 
  • Cannot see the affiliate agreement? You will have to upload your own affiliate agreement into the system. If you don't, your students will still be able to promote your course and receive commissions, however, you will not be protected by any agreement.
  • How to see which referrals converted? Your students will be able to access a graph of their referral who purchased your program from their main "Refer Friends" page. This way, they get insights into which marketing strategy or promotion was successful. 
  • A commission was not approved? As the creator, you can choose which commissions to approve or reject. By default, all commissions are pre-approved. If you choose to reject a commission, you can explain the reason behind the rejection to your student.
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